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Now Live: Better Product Searching in the Merchandise Tab

WinRed accounts now have new search functions and filters in the Merchandise Tab. This is useful for campaigns and organizations to help sift through their merch items and easily find the product they are looking for.

What’s New

In your WinRed account, head to the Merchandise tab and then the Products tab

  • Use the search bar to find the product you are looking for.

  • Use the filter button to find products by Date Created, Fulfillment House, Product Price, Product Storefront Status and Product Category.

You can read more information about how this tool works here.

With These Additions You Can:

  • Search by an exact product match using quotation marks around the first word of the product.
  • Search by a contains product match by searching for a keyword without quotation marks.
  • Filter by Fulfillment House if you are using multiple merch vendors.
  • Filter by the type of product. The following options are available:
      • Accessory
      • Book
      • Drinkware
      • Hat
      • Holiday Item 
      • Membership Card 
      • Outerwear
      • Shirt
      • Sign
      • Sticker 
      • Other

Contact us at
win@winred.com with any questions, and sign up for one of our weekly webinars here to learn more about this and other features!