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NEW: Donation Stream Widget Upgraded

We just made a big update to the popular Donation Stream Widget, adding more flexibility and customization.

Add Multiple Donation Streams

What’s New: You can now add multiple Donation Stream Widgets to a single page. This means instead of one donation stream for every donation,  you can add different tiers.

For example: 

  • Donors who give over $1,000 can be at the top in the Gold Stream.
  • Donors who give $100 – $999.99 can show in the Silver Stream.
  • All other donors will be in the Bronze Stream.

Multiple Donation Streams are a great way to boost engagement on your pages, and they work great with our brand-new video page feature.

Show Live Donation Data

What’s New: You can choose whether your Donation Stream will show Random or Live donor data.

  • Live means that the Donation Stream will update as new donations are processed.
  • Random loads a sample of processed donations to appear in the Donation Stream

Multiple Donation Streams require Live donor data.

Learn more about the Donation Stream Widget here.